AI in Healthcare: from Fiction to Faction

Every day we face the truth of aging population, new infectious diseases, shortage of medical staff, economic stagnation and devaluation of healthcare. To that end, global inflow of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into healthcare system all over the world, has turned into a necessary solution to these increasing challenges. The authors will briefly look into the status of AI from the angle of literary and cinematographic creations to prove its initially understood fictitious nature, and prognostic risks of its integration into everyday life and work. However, the fast process of technological evolution has made AI become an inevitable assistant in daily living and care. Theorists as well as practitioners have already written dozens of papers about benefits and risks of applying autonomous systems into healthcare. Likewise, the authors of this paper intend to contribute to the general debate over the effects of AI on the healthcare system by first introducing obvious advantages and befits of applying the autonomous system, such as efficiency of treatment, more personalised health services, increased precision in diagnostics, economic development and innovation in medical science, leading to general improvement of human health. This shall be made evident through positive examples of the USA and China. Next, the authors shall brought into light the harmful risks of applying AI in healthcare, starting from those in concreto, such as algorithmic errors and mismatch, false positive or negative representation, the risk of cyber attack, black-box effect, through legal difficulties of establishing liability and allocating the burden of proof in cases of medical malpractice as a result of the use of AI, the ethicality of applying AI in healthcare, to more prospective in abstracto expectations of polarisation of healthcare into non-affordable Advanced Medical Service based on AI, reserved for the rich (highly developed countries, such as Germany, the USA and China) and affordable Complementary/Adjuvant medicine, meant for the poor (underdeveloped or developing countries, such as Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Prognostically, the authors expect complete change of the healthcare concept due to massive migration trend, which brings along new self-diagnostic and treatment approach, which further boosts the mega software companies to create highly sensitive autonomous systems that ultimately might replace a traditional/conservative medicine.
Zrnić D., Pantović S. (2024) "AI in Healthcare: from Fiction to Faction " Journal of Ethics and Legal Technologies, 6(2), 41-63. DOI: 10.14658/pupj-JELT-2024-2-4  
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